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 The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos zur ersten Staffel
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06.07.2013 17:30
#61 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

The Originals : Neuer Behind the Scene Still mit Phoebe Tonkin



Beiträge: 48.501

06.07.2013 18:20
#62 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

The Originals: Ganz anders als Vampire Diaries
Gefährliche Welt für The Originals!

'Elijah'-Darsteller Daniel Gillies hat von den Veränderungen im "Vampire Diaries"-Spin-Off "The Originals" erzählt. Die Fans dürfen mit New Orleans eine neue Welt erwarten, die ganz anders aussieht, als das beschauliche Mystic Falls.

'Elijah' kehrt mit 'Klaus' nach New Orleans zurück, wo ein erbitterlicher Kampf um die Stadt ausbricht. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Es gibt sicher kaum etwas, auf das sich "Vampire Diaries"-Fans mehr freuen, als den Start des Serien-Spin-Offs "The Originals". Doch auf eines sollten sie sich laut 'Elijah'-Star Daniel Gillies gefasst machen: Alles wird anders.

New Orleans wird anders als Mystic Falls!
Dass die Welt in New Orleans anders aussieht als im beschaulichen, wenn auch gefährlichen Mystic Falls, das können sich viele "Vampire Diaries"-Anhänger mit Sicherheit schon denken. Doch mit einem Stadtwechsel ist es laut "The Originals"-Hauptdarsteller Daniel Gillies (37) noch ganz und gar nicht getan. Der Serienableger birgt noch so einige andere Veränderungen, wie er findet.

Eine Welt voller Magie und Dunkelheit
"Ich denke, dass die Show dunkler und erwachsener ist", berichtet der 'Elijah'-Darsteller "TV Rage" und geht sogar noch ein wenig ins Detail. "Ich denke, es wird wegen des New Orleans-Settings, das wir erfüllen müssen, viel mehr Zauberei und Magie geben", so der "Vampire Diaries"-Star. So schön sich das allerdings auch anhört, sein neues Serienzuhause wird nicht unbedingt ein sonderlich harmonisches.

Klaus und Elijahs Kampf um New Orleans
"Wir werden auch ein gutes Stück mehr Krieg sehen... Es wird ein Kampf, um dieses Königreich wieder zurückzuerobern. Ein grenzwertiger Mafia-Kampf, beim dem 'Elijah' und 'Klaus' ihr ehemaliges Königreich wieder in Beschlag nehmen", verspricht Daniel Gillies allen Neugierigen. Was sie allerdings sonst noch bei "The Originals" erwartet, erfahren "Vampire Diaries"-Fans erst am 16. Oktober. Dann startet die sehnsüchtig erwartete CW-Produktion zumindest schon einmal in den USA.


Exclusive: Daniel Gillies discusses 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'The Originals'

This morning I had the pleasure of chatting with Daniel Gillies, star of both ‘Saving Hope’ on CTV as well as the upcoming spin-off of ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ ‘The Originals’ on The CW. Daniel also wrote and directed his first feature film ‘Broken Kingdom’ which debuted in 2012, starring both Daniel and his wife, Rachael Leigh Cook.

With the second season of 'Saving Hope' debuting in Canada tomorrow and the highly-anticipated 'The Originals' coming in the Autumn, Gillies is incredibly busy--yet he's still looking forward to his next feature project. I asked Daniel about his experiences with Elijah, the undead vampire and star of 'The Originals' on The CW.

Daniel Gillies as Elijah, one of the original vampires, pictured on the left.

TVRage: First of all, congratulations on 'The Originals' getting picked up!
Daniel Gillies: Thank you very much, man.

TVR: Elijah has survived for centuries; is that something that you have to keep in mind as you approach each new scene? Does his agelessness and his past constantly inform the way that you play each new scene that you get?

DG: That's a really good question. I find it really difficult going back to Elijah after playing Joel [referring to Dr. Joel Goran, Daniel's character on 'Saving Hope.'] It's not like flipping a switch. To me, Joel is really loose and alive and I can kind of go anywhere, physically, with him. He's very human, he's a lot like me. With Elijah, you have to bring a certain degree of weight and command. Unfortunately, myself, as a person, I just don't have that. I mean, I think everybody has it, but there's a certain sort of frequency with Elijah that I have to find... a particular cadence. I don't know why I gave him such a difficult sound and accent and gait--it's borderline theatrical. And I mean that in a loving way. I do know that people like it almost more when things become ridiculously heightened. There's a sort of a danger with Elijah all the time but I need to find that through a sort of a stillness and kind of a confidence. I think he's sort of slightly amused with everything transpiring. He never seems very threatened, even when he's threatened. It's an interesting character, I've been very lucky to play this role.

And nobody expected Elijah to be around for the amount of time that he has been around. The further down the road with it I got, the more I realized this sort of emerging thing. I'm sure a lot of lovers would confess to you that they have sort of little bits or skits that they do with one another--it's almost like a thing you would do for your school friends when you were a kid. Maybe imitating one of your teachers or perhaps one of your other friends--the bit becomes its own energy, you know? And in a way I'm making discoveries about Elijah all the time. About the romantic quality of him, for example. Obviously I am exploring that through the writing that I'm given, when they reveal certain things about his history, but truthfully, I'm the one who activates a lot of the finer details which people walk away with. People really feel something with this guy, which I'm really touched by. I mean, obviously it's a complex creation but what's neat is, it's a mutual creation: he wasn't written this way at all. He didn't read this way on the page. To bring a kind of humor and pathos to someone who could have been a lot more two-dimensional, it's been a really great honor. And kind of like with 'Broken Kingdom' [Gillies' feature film writing and directing debut from 2012], I look at Elijah and ask if I would have done what I've done with the character again--no, in truth, out of the twenty-plus episodes that I've done, I think there are like, two that I like, maybe. If that. And that's not me crucifying myself, or that I don't believe in myself as an artist, it's just the fact of it, it's the way it is.

TVR: Well, luckily you have a legion of fans that like all of the episodes! So they can like them enough for you I guess. Another question about Elijah: as you mentioned, he does have this weight to him. Sometimes he can be described as very calm and collected... and sometimes he's pushed out of that. I Klaus and Elijahwas curious, since you're the only person who knows the answer: do you see Elijah as a calm person that gets pushed too far, or is there always a chaos within him that he's keeping under control?

DG: That's sort of interesting. I think that being a brother to Klaus, there has to be a chaos that he's always trying to wrangle control of. That's the short answer to that question. Over the years it always confused me when I would see people playing immortal spirits or people who have been around for over a couple of hundred years, it would confuse me when I would see their behaviour being erratic, tempestuous or precarious. Why wouldn't they have learned a thing or two? And I understand that it's part of the beauty of the folklore of the vampire: when you're looking at Lestat [from Anne Rice novels] who has been around for 200 years but in regards to maturity he's still in his infancy. But I think that part of the intrinsic lore of the vampire is that we are who we are and you can't escape, really. Stephan is Stephan, Klaus is Klaus, Elijah is Elijah. They're inherently who they are. But I guess the one thing that always baffled me was, over time, why wouldn't you acquire sort of a degree of power, or gravity, or at least an understanding.

I imagine if there was a creature that could exist for these long periods of time it would have a deep sadness and an admiration for humanity. I don't know. It's such a beautiful idea, the vampire. I can see why people are in love with them, it's an endlessly beautiful idea

TVR: Absolutely. So, just to tease us, your fanbase, here: how do you think 'The Originals' is going to Elijahdiffer from 'The Vampire Diaries?' What can we expect?

DG: I think it's going to be a lot more about family, the writing always returns to family. The bonds and, dare I say it, sometimes the manacles of family. I think that it's going to be a little darker. I think it's going to be a little bit more adult. I mean [Joseph Morgan, who plays Klaus] and I are a bit older than the others. Well actually, [Ian Somerhalder, who plays Damon] is the same age as us. But we're a little older. I think that carries with it its own kind of energy and naturally you have to write for that. Even though we're supposed to be hundreds of years old and in theory there's not much difference in age between us and the other vamps, I think we still have to write accordingly. Especially when you're writing new lovers into a story.

Man, if you quote me on that, [the new lovers], the fans will hate it! They really develop these allegiences. They really hate hearing that anybody new could come on the scene. Blessedly, there's a kind of amnesia with fans. They'll remember a certain character or romance until somebody sort of supplants that who's also really great. Then, they're content to forget.

But I think that the show is darker, more adult. I think that there's going to be a lot more enchantment and magic to it, because of the New Orleans setting that we have to fulfil. And I think that we're going to see a lot more warfare. Kind of strategic... it's going to be a battle to reclaim this kingdom. A borderline mafia type battle with Elijah and Klaus usurping their former kingdom.

TVR: That sounds great! I really appreciate you taking the time today.
DG: Thanks buddy.



Beiträge: 48.501

06.07.2013 19:11
#63 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #60
The Originals Artwork : Sophie


The Originals Artwork : Camielle



Beiträge: 48.501

06.07.2013 19:20
#64 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

The Originals Artwork : Jane-Anne



Beiträge: 48.501

06.07.2013 19:30
#65 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

The Originals : Neuer Behind the Scene Still

Zum amerikanischen Feiertag, heute am 04. Juli, gibt es ein neues Behind the Scenes Foto vom The Originals Set.

Zu sehen sind Klaus ( Joseph Morgan) und sein ehemaliger Schützling Marcel (Charles Michael Davis).



Beiträge: 48.501

20.07.2013 10:22
#66 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #63
Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #60
The Originals Artwork : Sophie


The Originals Artwork : Camielle


Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #64
The Originals Artwork : Jane-Anne


The Originals Artwork : Hayley

Jetzt gibt es eine neue Tarotkarte aus The Originals und zwar von Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin). Das interessante ist, dass sie als la lune, also der Mond, dargestellt wird und wie wir hier berichteten, wurde Camille als die Sonne bezeichnet. Der Mond passt ja ganz gut zu dem Werwolfsmädchen Hayley, aber ist sie auch das Gegenteil von Camille, der Sonne?



Beiträge: 48.501

20.07.2013 11:05
#67 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten


Beiträge: 48.501

30.07.2013 15:05
#68 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " Cast beim " CW , CBS & Showtime "2013 Sommer TCA Party 29 Juli 2013


Beiträge: 48.501

30.07.2013 15:28
#69 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Promo Clip Staffel 1 - ComicCon 2013


Beiträge: 48.501

01.08.2013 07:27
#70 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Pretty Little Liars: Steven Krueger in The Originals zu Gast

Spoilerwarnung - Diese Meldung kann Hinweise auf die Fortführung der Handlung enthalten!

Steven Krueger in „Pretty Little Liars“
(c) ABC Family

Lenka Hladikova am Mittwoch, 31.Juli 2013 06.00 Uhr

Steven Krueger, der als Emilys Freund in Pretty Little Liars zu sehen war, wird eine wiederkehrende Rolle in The Originals übernehmen. Er spielt einen Touristen in New Orleans, dessen Partyabend böse endet.

Kompletter Bericht


Beiträge: 48.501

01.08.2013 07:33
#71 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Neuer Promo Clip - Jealousy

Veröffentlicht am 31.07.2013


Beiträge: 48.501

03.08.2013 17:59
#72 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Video : Jospeh Morgan & Charles Michael Davis in " The Originals " :


Beiträge: 48.501

03.08.2013 18:00
#73 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Joseph Morgan spricht über " The Originals " , Klaus & Caroline

Bericht in englisch


Beiträge: 48.501

03.08.2013 18:04
#74 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

Neue Premiere Daten für " The Originals " & " Vampire Diaries " bei The CW

8:00-9:00 PM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (New Season Premiere Date)
9:00-10:00 PM THE ORIGINALS (New Series Premiere Date)

8:00-9:00 PM HART OF DIXIE (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (Season Premiere)

8:00-9:00 PM THE ORIGINALS (Time Period Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM SUPERNATURAL (New Season Premiere Date)

8:00-9:00 PM ARROW (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM THE TOMORROW PEOPLE (Series Premiere)

8:00-9:00 PM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (Original Episode)
9:00-10:00 PM THE ORIGINALS (Episode 2 Encore)

8:00-9:00 PM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (Original Episode)
9:00-10:00 PM REIGN (New Series Premiere Date)

8:00-9:00 PM THE CARRIE DIARIES (Season Premiere)



Beiträge: 48.501

03.08.2013 18:13
#75 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " Tarot Artwork : Klaus


Weitere " The Originals " Tarot Artwork findet ihr im Spoiler

Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #66

Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #63
Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #60
The Originals Artwork : Sophie


The Originals Artwork : Camielle


Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #64
The Originals Artwork : Jane-Anne


The Originals Artwork : Hayley

Jetzt gibt es eine neue Tarotkarte aus The Originals und zwar von Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin). Das interessante ist, dass sie als la lune, also der Mond, dargestellt wird und wie wir hier berichteten, wurde Camille als die Sonne bezeichnet. Der Mond passt ja ganz gut zu dem Werwolfsmädchen Hayley, aber ist sie auch das Gegenteil von Camille, der Sonne?


Zitat von Carina im Beitrag #67
The Originals Artwork : Rebekah



Beiträge: 48.501

09.08.2013 10:38
#76 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Interwiev mit Charles Michael Davis

Veröffentlicht am 06.08.2013


Beiträge: 48.501

25.08.2013 12:16
#77 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Michael Davis im Interwiev

Veröffentlicht am 23.08.2013


Beiträge: 48.501

25.08.2013 12:24
#78 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Promo Clip mit Elijah

Veröffentlicht am 19.08.2013


Beiträge: 48.501

25.08.2013 12:38
#79 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Extended Preview Clip

Veröffentlicht am 20.08.2013


Beiträge: 48.501

25.08.2013 12:46
#80 RE: The Vampire Diaries Spin Off " The Originals " News & Infos (Deutsch & Englisch) Zitat · Antworten

" The Originals " : Julie Plec & Claire Holt im Interwiev bei der ComicCon in San Diego mit TV Addict

Veröffentlicht am 06.08.2013

Veröffentlicht am 14.08.2013

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